October 30, 2011

Funny you should mention...

It is pretty ironic that Ricky Jackson would pick peanut butter cookies for his prize in our Halloween Edition of Pigskin Picks.  Our peanut butter cookie recipe comes from Tony Dorsett.  You know, the Heisman trophy winner and pro-bowler who played for the Dallas Cowboys?  No....really!  Once upon a time in 1986, The Director and The Blogette wrote a cookbook together.  I know, the story seems to get more unbelievable with every line, but it's all true.  The cookbook was called "The Coaches' Training Table" and featured favorite recipes from college and professional coaches and athletes, representing all sports and all regions of the country.  It was written to help support a basketball fundraiser for cancer.  We sent literally hundreds of letters to anyone we could find an address for.  Tony Dorsett was one of the athletes who wasn't too busy to send in a contribution for the cause, and that's how we got his favorite recipe.  The story of this cookbook circulated on the AP wire service, and was featured on the cover of a Sunday edition of The Indianapolis Star.  There are many stories to tell of our adventures in writing that cookbook, and maybe we will share them from time to time if it sparks a memory like it did this weekend.  By the way, this is the same recipe that the Blogette's mother always used.  If you would like to make your own,  just read on...

Tony's Favorite Peanut Butter Cookies:
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. white sugar
1 c. shortening
1 c. peanut butter
3 c. flour
2 eggs
2 t. soda
1/2 t. salt
1 t. vanilla
Sift flour and soda and set aside.  Cream together shortening and sugars, and add eggs, then peanut butter, salt and vanilla.  Add flour mixture and mix in well.  Roll into balls and mark with a fork.  Bake at 350 for 8 minutes or until golden brown.  Makes about 5 dozen cookies.

October 16, 2011

Meet Mr. Nice Guy - Dr. Brian Willard

Dr. Brian Willard represents the type of player that The Invitational is proud to have in the field.  He has participated for three years in the tournament.  When John called to ask if he would be willing to participate in Pigskin Picks, Brian said he was extremely busy due to recently being named head of the urology department at Lexington Medical Center.  John was pleased to learn that Dr. Willard has this connection, since The Invitational provided an opportunity for all players to receive prostate cancer screening via a simple blood test as a part of the 2011 tournament.  Lexington Medical Center provided the friendly staff  for the screenings.  In their conversation, Brian remarked that he plays in two fantasy football leagues, and this did sound like fun, so he was willing to be part of it.  Dr. Willard is an avid fan of the North Carolina State Wolfpack, but his background would actually allow him to root for some other teams as well.  He has a zoology degree from NC State, received his medical degree from North Carolina (Chapel Hill), and completed his residency at the University of Missouri hospitals.  In between surgeries, football research, and being an all-around nice guy,  Dr. Willard plays at Lexington Country Club. 

October 9, 2011

Advertising on the Blog

Would you like to become a sponsor of our blog and advertise your business for free??!  We have a page on our sidebar on the right of our main posts just for that purpose.  This section will feature your business, photo, logo and any brief information you would like.  You will also get coverage as a post for one week, and your business information will then be moved to our "Blog Sponsors" page.  We appreciate the many businesses and individuals who support The Invitational in so many ways.  Our goal is to provide them the chance to be recognized and supported in return.   Please contact John at johnsara@bellsouth.net or 803.606.0240 to showcase your business.