2009 - 2010 - 2011 Tournament Results and Photos

Tournament History
Tournament Director John Beckman explains how The Invitaitonal got its start. Blog reporter, official scorer, sign maker/nail holder, tournament secretary and wife Sara asks the hard questions.

Q: How did The Invitational come to life as a golf event?
A: In early 2009, when the Carolina Ale House opened in the Vista, I became a customer and got to know Steve Smith, then general manager. We became good friends. I have played golf for over 50 years, participating and volunteering at some high profile tournaments. It didn't take long to realize that Steve really loved the game as he talked about starting his own tournament. It took us about five minutes to say "Let's do it!". I would handle setting up the tournament and he would take care of the prizes, food and beverages. My background in golf and his background and connections in the restaurant industry made for a perfect fit.

Q: Why three person captain's choice?
A: Steve wanted a fun tournament that was competitive. I wanted a competitive tournament that was fun. Steve and I still laugh about my proposal - "I'll handle the tournament and you handle the fun!". I knew right away that a three-person event would work because...
1. nobody else was doing one.
2. easier to find 2 golf teammates rather than 3.
3. guys are tired of teams playing alone, which opens the door for cheating.
4. 3 playing with 3 in the same group has the potential to create competitive fun.
5. no handicap, no mulligans, no BS. As Steve says "This is real golf!"

Q: What do you like best about this unique format?
A: We have solved the problem of the possibility of cheating by doing this. Both teams keep an eye on each others' scores. Also we all like to get a little bet going when we play. I pair teams together that might not know each other or get a chance to play together. Pairing teams of equal ability improves networking among the players. I want each golfer to get a feel for what it is like to be in a real tournament setting. I work at creating that atmosphere as much as possible with everything from pin placements to the gift bags to signs on the course and playing strictly by the rules of golf.

Q: So you have teams taking this seriously and some just to have fun?
A: That is why there are 3 divisions.

Q: OK - Let's eliminate some confusion. What is the deal with Carolina Ale House for 2 years, Wild Wing Cafe this past year, and now The Invitational. What's up with that?
A: There is so much that goes into planning. It takes more than two people to pull this off. Everything was great with the Ale House sponsorship, until after the second year when Steve was moved from the Vista store to another location. At that point, Ale House didn't continue their interest in the event. After a chance meeting with someone with Wild Wing's corporate office, I offered the sponsorship to them and they jumped on board. There were problems with them being based in the Charleston area and not having the same vision for the future of the tournament that I have. Due to Steve being employed by another chain, he was unable to participate as fully as he had in planning the event...and was he missed?!! I will be giving more details about the new tournament committee in a future post.

Q: After 3 years, are you happy with the direction this tournament is taking?
A: Yes, when we started in 2009, we said then and still say that we hope to be one of the top tournaments in the Columbia area within 5 years. I think we have the basics down and we are continuing to eliminate mistakes and hopefully get to where we would like to be.

Q: One final question - - people are probably wondering why you take this so seriously and put so much work into it. Why is that?
A: That's an easy one to answer. I have a great wife who allows me to laugh, cry, bitch and vent. She allows me to enjoy life. Being around this tournament keeps me around good people, and gives me a chance to stay busy and offer golfers a chance to play and be part of something special. We all like to be part of something special, and for the price we charge to play in this event, we open the door for the average golfer to play in a special tournament and at the same time contribute to a special charity. Oh about pay?? I never take any payment for this and I never will. My payoff is seeing all the players enjoying life like I try to do.

Q: Speaking of pay...where is my payment?
A: We'll talk about that later. OFF the record (laughing)

Q: One more thing - - is anybody besides the guy from Germany reading this thing? Do you think we will ever get a comment or a follower??
A: Maybe if you make blogging your full time job....because I always have another story....Do you want to hear one now?
A: No. I ask the questions around here.

2009 Co-Champions - Score 60 (-11)
Stearling, Mabe, Platner

2009 Co-Champions - Score 60 (-11)
Baker, Caldwell, Maddux

2010 Champions – Score 60 (-11)
O’Brian, Snyder, Bryant

2011 Co-Champions – Score 60 (-11)
Gamble, Huckaby, Bunch


2009 Official Tournament Results
Money donated to Special Olympics - $4800

Total Entries Paid - 36

Low 18 Hole Score – 60, 2 teams: A. Caldwell, C. Maddux, K. Baker (Team 34)
R. Planter, M. Sterling, J. Mabe (Team 33)

Low Front Nine Score – 30 (6 under)
2 teams: G. McLaughlin, S. Russell, S. Bogan (Team 5)
R. Planter, M. Sterling, J. Mabe (Team 33)
Low Back Nine Score – 28 (7 under), Team 34 – Caldwell, Maddux, Baker

Most Under Par (71) – minus 11, 2 teams

Teams Under Par (71) – 15 teams

Eagles Made by Field – one

Most Eagles Made by a Team – one

Most Birdies Made by a Team – eleven

Most Diffficult Holes (Fewest Birdies) - #6 (2), #8 (2)
Most Difficult Holes (Most Bogies) - #6 (14)

Birdies by Hole:
Hole #1 - 8 Hole # 7 - 7 Hole #13 – 7
Hole #2 – 11 Hole #8 – 2 Hole #14 – 16
Hole #3 – 10 Hole #9 – 10 Hole #15 – 8
Hole #4 – 11 Hole #10 – 5 Hole #16 – 6
Hole #5 – 4 Hole #11 – 7 Hole #17 – 4
Hole #6 – 2 Hole #12 – 17 Hole #18 – 6

Bogies by Hole
Hole #1 – 8 Hole #7 – 10 Hole #13 – 6
Hole #2 – 8 Hole #8 – 11 Hole #14 – 2
Hole #3 – 6 Hole #9 – 2 Hole #15 – 6
Hole #4 – 3 Hole #10 – 5 Hole #16 – 8
Hole #5 – 5 Hole #11- 5 Hole #17 – 3
Hole #6 – 14 Hole #12 – 3 Hole #18 - 10

1st Team #34 (60) A. Caldwell, C. Maddux, K. Baker
1st Team #33 (60) R. Planter, M. Sterling, J. Mabe
3rd Team #2 (61) M. Calkins, S. Smith, M. Rowe
4th Team #5 (63) G. McLaughlin, S. Russell, S. Bogan (9 birdies)
5th Team #25 (63) B. Coates, R. Carci, C. Prezioso (8 birdies)
6th Team #10 (64) D. Harrison, R. Lang, S. Smitson
7th Team #24 (66) B. Parker, T. Mie, C. Biggs
8th Team #15 (67) J. Conklin, P. Corbett, G. Cole (5 birdies – Low Nine 31)
9th Team #9 (67) S. Cook, J. Whiteside, S. Juzkiewicz (5 birdies – Low Nine 32)
10th Team #7 (67) D. Williams, S. Boddie, J. Wytol (5 birdies – Low Nine 33)
11th Team #3 (68) K. Wood, K. Ford, S. Gaines
12th Team #1 (69) P. Madden, D. Wickmann, A. Chambers

13th Team 17 (70) D. Phelps, M. Hall, K. Walker
13th Team 18 (70) D. Hust, C. Crawford, T. Miller
13th Team 23 (70) S. Reece, M. Shrimpf, B. Hewitt

16th Team 11 (71) S. Price
16th Team 20 (71) M. Salters, D. Hollis, J. Johnson
16th Team 29 (71) B. Willard, E. Pia, J. Coon

19th Team 4 (72) D. Shelhorse, B. Hastings, R. Fisher
19th Team 6 (72) D. Martin, Jim Beckman, D. Sutton
21st Team 19 (73) F. Rivas, R. Kay, B. Hobbs
21st Team 35 (73) B. Mahelsky, E. Mahelsky

23rd Team 14 (74) J. Johnson, J. Gee
23td Team 26 (74) W. Godfrey, B. Folmer, B. Gause

25th Team 30 (75) B. Levance, C. Moraitakis, J. Houndshell

26th Team 8 (76) D. Erickson, A. Randolah, S. Brazell

27th Team 36 (78) S. Celia, D. Nattier, B. Jordan

28th Team 16 (79) E. McDonnell, M. Reiff, R. Shannon

29th Team 32 (90) R. Jernigan, S. Stone, S. Patel

30th – No Cards turned in: Teams 12, 22, 27, 28


2010 Official Tournament Results

Total Teams Entered - 36

Low 18 Hole Score – 60, Team 27: Snyder, O’Brian, Bryant

Low Front Nine Score – 30 (6 under), Team 27: Snyder, O’Brian, Bryant

Low Back Nine Score – 29 (6 under), Team 3: Pachol, Post, Clough

Most Under Par (71) – minus 11, 1 team

Teams Under Par (71) – 20 teams

Eagles Made by Field – five

Most Eagles Made by a Team – one

Most Birdies Made by a Team – nine, 2 teams

Most Diffficult Holes (Fewest Birdies) - #6 (2), #7 (3), #15 (3)
Most Difficult Holes (Most Bogies) - #6 (12), #18 (11) #7 (8)

Birdies by Hole:
Hole #1 - 6 Hole # 7 - 3 Hole #13 – 8
Hole #2 – 7 Hole #8 – 4 Hole #14 – 14
Hole #3 – 9 Hole #9 – 14 Hole #15 – 3
Hole #4 – 9 Hole #10 – 6 Hole #16 – 9
Hole #5 – 10 Hole #11 – 7 Hole #17 – 8
Hole #6 – 2 Hole #12 – 12 Hole #18 – 5

Bogies by Hole
Hole #1 – 6 Hole #7 – 8 Hole #13 – 3
Hole #2 – 7 Hole #8 – 4 Hole #14 – 4
Hole #3 – 2 Hole #9 – 4 Hole #15 – 5
Hole #4 – 3 Hole #10 – 2 Hole #16 – 5
Hole #5 – 2 Hole #11- 6 Hole #17 – 7
Hole #6 – 12 Hole #12 – 6 Hole #18 – 11

Hole #9 – 2 Hole # 14 - 3

Miller Division Results

1st Team #27 – 60 (30-30) Snyder, Bryant, O’Brian
2nd Team #16 – 62 (31-31) Parker, Lang, Smithson
3rd Team #3 – 63 (34-29) Pachol, Post, Clough
4th Team #5 – 63 (33-30) Calkins, Rowe, McCord
5th Team #2 – 63 (31-32) Brazell, Evans, Stegall
6th Team #6 – 64 (31-33) Haglage, Herndon, Jackson
7th Team #15 – 64 (33-31) Joiner, Gibson, Goodwin
8th Team #1 – 65 (34-31) Platner, Mabe, Stearling
9th Team #11 – 65 (32-33) Jones, Harrison, Haupner
10th Team #13 – 65 (32-33) Willard, White, Campbell
11th Team #4 – 66 (34-32) Waller, Grantz, Prezioso
12th Team #14 – 66 (34-32) Gaines, Ford, Granger
13th Team #7 – 67 (34-33) Rocco, Fluorine, Turman
14h Team #10 – 67 (34-33) Nixon, Gamble, Hunnicutt
15h Team # 9 – 69 (35-34) McKinney, McKinney, Miller
16th Team #8 – 71 (35-36) Coates, Carci, Biggerstaff
17th Team #12 – 71 (36-35) Whiteside, Hartsell, Farmer

Jagermeister Division Results

1st Team #30 – 66 (34-32) Ganis, Jordan, Harrington
2nd Team #21 – 68 (34-34) Reece, Shrimpf, Brandon
3rd Team #28 – 69 (35-34) Godwin, Faucett, Faucett
4th Team #23 – 70 (36-34) Madden, Ray, Cook
5th Team #19 -70 (35-35) Fisher, Wilhelm, Shelhorse
6th Team #18 – 71 (36-35) Price, Haddock, Sterling
7th Team #33 – 72 (38-34) Smith, Dee, Miller
8th Team #17 – 72 (37-35) Gee, Johnson, Chen
9th Team #24 – 73 (37-36) Jordan, Nattier, Celia
10th Team #22 – 74 (39-35) Rouse, Crocker, Wright
11th Team #35 – 76 (40-36) Chappell, Everett, Fowler
12th Team #29 – 77 (39-38) Wilson, Huntington, Stevenson
13th Team #26 – 77 (39-38) Black, Black, Dean
14th Team #36 – 78 (39-39) Wingard, Dukes, Guicil
15th Team #34 – 80 (44-36) Cecil, Caboni, Tony
16th Team #31 – 84 (43-41) Korb, Walker, Timerman
17th Team #25 – 88 (46-42) McDonald, Baldwin, King
18th/19th Team 20 and 32 – Did not show

Tiebreaking Procedures:
low nine hole score, most birdies, low score on card – 18th hole (in that order)

2011 Official Tournament Records

Total Teams Entered - 30

Low 18 Hole Score – 60, Team 2:  Gamble, Bunch, Huckaby
       Team 13:  Haglage, Gibson, Hardy
Low Front Nine Score – 29 (7 under), Team 2 and 13

Low Back Nine Score – 29 (6 under), Team 5:  Russell, McLaughlin, Flintom

Most Under Par (71) – minus 11, Team 2 and 13

Teams Under Par (71) – 17 teams

Eagles Made by Field – five
            Hole #5: Team 12, Team 20
            Hole #9: Team 13, Team 29
            Hole #12: Team 25

Most Eagles Made by a Team – one

Most Birdies Made by a Team – eleven, Team 2

Most Diffficult Holes (Fewest Birdies) - #8 (0), #13 (2), #6, #10 and #11 (3)

Most Difficult Holes (Most Bogies) - #6 and #18 (8) #8 and #11 (7)

Average Score – Miller Division – 64

Average Score – Jagermeister Division – 73

Skins Results – 1 skin, Hole #12, Eagle 3, Team 25:  Gaines, Ford, Kirby, $500
Birdies by Hole

Hole #1 - 8                                         Hole # 7 - 7                            Hole #13 – 2
Hole #2 – 11                                      Hole #8 – 0                            Hole #14 – 20
Hole #3 – 5                                        Hole #9 – 14                          Hole #15 – 4
Hole #4 – 9                                        Hole #10 – 3                          Hole #16 – 6
Hole #5 – 12                                      Hole #11 – 3                          Hole #17 – 5
Hole #6 – 3                                        Hole #12 – 18                        Hole #18 – 4

Bogies by Hole

Hole #1 – 5                                        Hole #7 – 5                            Hole #13 – 5
Hole #2 – 2                                        Hole #8 – 7                            Hole #14 – 4
Hole #3 – 5                                        Hole #9 – 3                            Hole #15 – 6
Hole #4 – 4                                        Hole #10 – 4                          Hole #16 – 5
Hole #5 – 4                                        Hole #11 - 7                           Hole #17 – 6
Hole #6 – 8                                        Hole #12 – 2                          Hole #18 – 8

Miller Division Results
1st Team #13 – 60 (29-31) Haglage, Gibson, Hardy*
1st Team #2 – 60 (29-31) Gamble, Bunch, Huckaby*
3rd Team #5 – 61 (32-29) Russell, McLaughlin, Flintom
4th Team #12 – 62 (30-32) Parker, Biggs, Nye
5th Team #11 – 62 (31-31) Evans, Nixon, Gillespie
6th Team #1 – 63 (32-31) Jackson, Spires, Kleemoff
7th Team #4 – 64 (31-33) Warren, Kress, Taylor
8th Team #7 – 64 (31-33) Mabe, Phillips, Stearling
9th Team #8 – 65 (33-32) Peeler, Miley, Massey
10th Team #10 – 67 (33-34) Hartman, Phelps, Smith
11th Team #3 – 67 (34-33) Post, Clough, Williams
12th Team #6 – 68 (35-33) Brazell, Williams, Wytol
2 teams – WD
*5-hole playoff – all-square, declared co-champions

Jagermeister Division Results
1st Team #29 – 63 (31-32) Hewitt, Hewitt, Fielder
2nd Team #20 – 66 (32-34) Price, Walker, Glowacki
3rd Team #26 – 67 (35-32) Harrison, Lucas, Gossert
4th Team #28 – 68 (30-38) McKinney, McKinney, Jarrett
5th Team #17 – 69 (38-31) Willard, White, Wendt
6th Team #25 – 71 (37-34) Gaines, Ford, Kirby
7th Team #31 – 71 (37-34) Lagos, Bradstreet, Johnson
8th Team #27 – 72 (38-34) Fisher, Shelhorse, Wilhelm
9th Team #24 – 73 (36-37) Martin, Jim Beckman, Sutton
10th Team #23 – 73 (36-37) Adams, Tarbush, Brooks
11th Team #19 – 74 (37-37) Korb, Timmerman, McMeekin
12th Team #18 – 75 (37-38) Hust, Miller, Williams
13th Team #30 – 78 (40-38) Sutter, Barth, Springer
14th Team #9 – 79 (44-35) Dixon, Smith, Proctor
15th Team #21 – 85 (41-44) Carci, Stillwell, Lawson
16th Team #22 – 85 (44-41) Secord, Reader, President

Tiebreaking Procedures:
low nine-hole score, most birdies, low score on card – 18th hole (in that order) 
The Invitational
Previous Winners

2009 - Score 60 (-11) Co-Champions
·       Mabe, Platner, Stearling
·       Caldwell, Baker, Maddux

2010 – Score 60 (-11)
·       Snyder, Bryant, O’Brian

2011 – Score 60 (-11) Co-Champions
·       Haglage, Gibson, Hardy
·       Gamble, Bunch, Huckaby

500 Skins Winner - Kevin Ford (in passenger seat),
pictured with teammate Scott Gaines (in driver's seat).
Third teammate Mr. Kirby not pictured.

2011 Co-Champions Gamble, Huckabee, Bunch