August 14, 2011

Chance of a Lifetime

Jamie Mabe is a three-year Invitational player, and will be a senior at Clemson University this fall.  He was fortunate to have the priviledge to work the scoreboard at the 2011 PGA Championship at Atlanta Athletic Club this past weekend.  He had duties on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and just completed his 3-hour shift at 3:00 today.  When asked to comment, Jamie responded "It was good...hard work, but I enjoyed it.  This taught me that running or working a golf tournament is hard work."  Jamie admitted the stress level is high when errors occur and or the action on the course changes rapidly.  Congratulations are in order to Jamie as the club champion at Golden Hills Country Club in Lexington.  GHCC has been the site of The Invitational for the past three years.  He is pictured here flanked by golf buddies Gavin Gillespie (L) and Mike Evans (R)

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